Tuesday, December 15, 2009

O'Hanukkah, O'Hanukkah...

Happy Hanukkah!

I hope that you're having a wonderful celebration, thus far! I have surely enjoyed all of the Hanukkah celebrations we've been having at SRT. The one word I'd have to pick to describe Hanukkah so far this year would have to be...LATKES! We started the holiday off with a "latke contest" on Friday night following services, then we enjoyed latkes at Religious School on Sunday morning, had more latkes on Sunday evening at the potluck dinner and then, I made latkes with the Confirmation class on Monday evening. I don't know if I'm biased or if it was the "love" that the students put into the potato pancakes, but these latkes were AMAZING! I think I'll take a break from latkes....

I hope your Hanukkah is full of light and good food (and not too much grease...but just enough)!

Chag Sameach-Happy Hanukkah!